"Student life is the best part of ones life span. The memories of this period are
invaluable treasure for all times. During this period & towering dreams of future
plan are conceived, serve as foundation on which structures of future plan are framed
& executed.
The budding children mind is like a plain paper on which teachers have to scribble
indelibly as a friend, philosopher & guide. This is no mean task & teachers have
crucial role in shaping future of children. Shaping like is akin to chemical synthesis,
where curriculum serves as reactant & extra curriculum activities. The guidance,
inspiration, motivation & devotion to the purpose are the co-factors, which promote
the synthesis & make the precarious journey to success, enjoyable, & the stumble
blocks surmountable.
MGCPS offers a variety of opportunities and experiences for students to broaden
their education through externships, preceptor ships, and hands-on research opportunities.
Students who enroll in the program have the opportunity to work with and learn from
basic science and pharmaceutical faculty recognized for their commitment to student
education and advancing Pharmacy knowledge. Also, learn how living and learning
India in the Federation of AICTE and PCI can enhance your life skills and success
as a Pharmacy Professional."